Ingredients – 12 to 14 buns
- Basic Bun dough (recipe 19) – 1kg
- Bun spice – 20 ml
- Sultanas – 200g
- Sugar nibs – 360 g
- Egg yolks – 8
- Mix the bun spice into the basic dough and knead
- Add the sultanas, two-thirds of the sugar nibs and all the egg yorks
- Using a plastic scraper, cut in the ingredients (It is usual for the ingredients not to be fully mixed in)
- Scale into 60g pieces
- Place on a paper-lined baking sheet in rough shapes
- Sprinkle liberally with the rest of the nibbed sugar
- Allow to prove until double in size
- Bake at 200 degrees celsius for 15-20 minutes
- Brush with bun wash as soon as they come out of the oven